Southsea Retreat

If you have seen an offer advertised on another website or if you know someone that needs help but can’t afford the advertised price, then please send an email or text and we will make sure that the cost is less than on the other site. Abigail wants to help as many people as she can.

You can also currently use the code: HEAL33 for a 33% discount when booking an appointment through the website.

All treatments and sessions take place in Abigail’s Southsea Seafront Apartment on South Parade. But energy healing can be done with her online anywhere in the world through the Quantum Field.

Your body really is a temple, every cell is full of intelligence that gets worn out by stress and bad food choices especially as we get older.

The fitness journey and mental health healing journey go hand in hand.  You can’t expect the outside to look great if the inside is not great.

The same way you can’t compare yourself to other people and expect to look like someone else.  You’re going to be your best you, so that you feel it on the inside, with grace and love!

Changing your perceptions and reactions to life will drastically reduce stress and anxiety, create neutrality and allow you to feel more joy, freedom and acceptance to your world. The most important thing is that we acknowledge our emotions and do not try to bury our trauma so that it can be released and let go. I also teach the importance of grounding and rooting in our human bodies instead of trying to escape through the higher dimensions.

The healing journey looks at our shadow aspects and is designed for people who are truly committed to their healing and personal growth despite whatever traumas, life experiences and disease they are dealing with.

It won’t happen overnight, it’s a process, like learning a new language. Depending on how much work you’ve got to do and are prepared to do, will determine the results in life you deserve.

Being human is a gift that should be celebrated, we really are magical and Abigail helps you tap into your own power and potential.

Abigail is trained deeply in the healing arts through many modalities and practices. This is reflected in the level of service provided.

She genuinely wants to help as many people as possible though, so if you know of someone who would benefit from the healing but finances are tricky, then please get in touch regardless and she’ll do whatever she can to help.